How To Work With Native English-Speaking Clients For Website Content As A Freelancer

I am an INDIAN. I’m extremely proud of it. I am proud of everything about INDIA except our politicians.
Leave that… I’m not here to rant about politics or what’s wrong in our country or what has kept us in the well for the last 75 years.
This post is about CONTENT WRITING.
As the global boundaries are shrinking, thanks to FREE INTERNET and WORK FROM HOME culture… I also belong to the content writing fraternity.
What I find most amusing is the fact how we work for international clients. You won’t believe that most people in this profession of content writing believe that “a native ENGLISH writer” writes better than “others”—who speak multiple languages or whose first language is not ENGLISH.
I don’t want to get into that argument. There are high-quality writers from both sides. But the sad reality is when you write for them… your own supervisor will find fault in your writing… even if the other party (international client) won’t say anything. It reflects the pathetic mentality of the supervisors, bosses, and people who are entrusted with the responsibility of mentoring young writers. You can blame this mentality much on our “Servile” attitude.
I got an international website content writing project… And my supervisor is doing the work of a gutter inspector. When his/ her own work is also getting rejected by that client.
Writing is an art. It’s not a scientific project… Here is no readymade formula to follow and complete the work. You have to believe in yourself.
How to Deal with International Clients: A Perspective on Content writing
1) Take full instruction from them about what they actually need. Be straightforward and take enough references from them. Don’t use your brain.
2) Complete the project part by part. Don’t write all words at once. Start writing the first 200 words and show them to the client. If they don’t like it. Stop and don’t work anymore. If they suggest editing… see if you can manage it. Otherwise, you can reject the proposal.
3) Be clear-cut about monetary things. I have seen international clients (from native English-speaking countries) have a notorious idea of getting things done and not making payments. I faced it numerous times.
4) Be self-confident and have a sense of conviction. If they feel your content is not up to the mark. You need no further explanation. Because even if you continue to do more edits, they won’t accept your content or even make any payment.
5) While sitting in India, it’s best to avoid international projects as much as possible. Whether you are working at home or office, if native English-speaking clients find too many mistakes in your writing, then your supervisor may find it as a personal insult— when the whole thing is completely professional.
6) Only if you feel the client is genuine, you should go ahead.