How Can I Enjoy A Happy Married Life Despite Being Single

Marriage is bliss. But not everyone is lucky enough to find a partner of their choice. Many marriages are made in heaven, but some marriages take place out of compulsion. If you feel you are not getting a partner of your choice, it’s worth waiting for—enjoy your singledom, read freedom.
It often comes to mind that how can one enjoy all the bliss of a married life despite being unmarried. Well, many of you may find it impossible; but it’s possible if you have a receptive brain to imagine, a heart to feel the vibe of love, an ear to listen to heartbeats, and a hand to hold someone in your fantasy.
It starts with a simple sentence—marriage means you are translating your fantasy into reality—enjoying married life as a single means you are imagining a future reality. As simple as that.
Now coming to the question of how to enjoy married life as a single; here are solutions:
#5) Read as many love stories as you can. It helps you understand the nuances of love. It not only makes you aware of the difficult phases of life but also teaches you everything about love—why it’s so difficult to understand.
#4) Just imagine you have married your crush/ fantasy/ dream boy or dream girl. Once you start feeling so, it will be a bit difficult for you to accept someone else even when he or she stands in front of you with a love or marriage proposal.
But as long as your marriage is not your immediate future goal, there is no harm in indulging in wild fantasy or imagination.
#3) On valentine’s day or when it’s raining heavily… simply start dancing to the tune of a romantic song. You can imagine your significant other—even if you are still single or not in any relationship—standing by your side.
#2) Randomly write love letters to your imaginary crush. Make sure you express your feelings clearly in each of those letters. When it comes to where to send them, you can simply write “To, My dear Crush, and no need of mentioning any place name. Obviously, such letters won’t reach any place, but they can at least lessen your pain of being single. Instead, it makes you feel happy that at least you wrote your heart out while writing those letters.
#1) Romance: Finally, we have come to the most exciting part of marriage or a relationship. You can call it physical intimacy, romance, making out, or lovemaking. But believe me, if your sole purpose of getting into a relationship is mating and reproducing kids, it’s neither ethical nor correct.
You can indulge in safe mating with other people who consensually agree to it. In many places across the world, magdalenism is 100% legal. Once in a while, if you truly want to indulge in love-making, you can go there. You can even indulge in self-pleasure using your hand once a week.
But what’s the point of doing so?
When your very purpose of marriage is something else—communication freely with your partner, seeing the world together, reading books, enjoying nomadic life on top of a tree or barren desert, or even indulging in higher education—formal or informal.
So the point is without worrying about what lies ahead or what the future has in store for you, it’s better to make the best use of your singledom. And you must try to do everything now, that you wish to do after getting married.
Imagination, Imagination, and Imagination is the key to a happy single life. Don’t overdo it, but nominal amount of love imagination or wild fantasy is permissibile.
In fact, you can do everything as a single that you wish to enjoy after getting married. The time to do so is now. Don’t delay anymore!
Thus, you can really enjoy a happy married life despite being single or not in any relationship. If you like this article, please share it on social media.