Interview With The Blogger Garima Singh Of

This weekend we manage to take interview of the very hardworking and skilled blogger Garima Singh. She is holding 2 blogs ,, which is a multi-niche general blog and other one is the YourDream Tale, which is an inspiring and motivational blog.
Read here my (Chitra Chowdhury) life journey published in the YourDream Tale
It was an interesting conversations between me and Garima and it was really facinating to discuss with her about her life journey as being a blogger and some of her important life goals.
It is really an inspiring chit-chat, just go ahead and read the same. I’m sure you will love it.
Interview With The Blogger Garima Singh Of
1). Briefly Introduce Yourself to Our Readers.
Basically I am from Dehra Dun who love to be always happy and believe in God, I have one little sister, my parents and I love my family a lot. I have done computer science in but while my degree got into modeling, then acting in TV serials. But currently I am handling multi-niche blog
2). How you manage your website and how much time you dedicate for the same
As I am studying currently so unable to give full time to Blogging, still manage to give around 3-4 hours daily for checking mails, adding guest posts. Recently started publishing for other blogs too like I have planned many things for VidLyf, slowly implement all ideas and one day hopefully it will be at a place where I want it to be.
3). Kindly let us know what are your hobbies?
My hobbies are listening music, making quotes (Photo Editing) and Car racing. No one can ever beat me in Car races (PC Games 😉 ). But jokes apart I love spending time alone in very quiet places with Nature where no mobile phones, no people would be there. I sit down there try to recall all my best memories of life and thank the God for giving me everything in my life and pray for everyone’s happiness and good health.
4). Who is your muse or inspiration for your creative work and who is your all time favorite personality of the world?
My first inspiration are my parents because they trusted me and provided me full freedom and supported in my decisions. When comes to creative work, all I can remember is Jayanta; anything and everything he know it all. I call him GJ (Google Jay). He not only helped me in setting up, but always been part my journey till date.
Interview With The Blogger Garima Singh Of
5). What is you true love? Travel, Writing, Food, Reading, Blogging, cooking or anything else apart from the
You have added most of my favorite things, but cooking is not my cup of tea. I can cook for myself (items related to potato); but still I get so tired by cooking that I try to avoid it most of the time. But my mom is after me like you have to be good cook else how would you manage after marriage and I am like if I would learn cooking then I will 1st start my cooking/recipe blogs later will think about marriage. 😉

6). What is yoursuccess story? If you can narrate in short.
I wouldn’t call it as success story because lots of people still don’t know about VidLyf and to be honest I haven’t reached half-way where I want to reach with VidLyf yet. Still it’s a very good start, made new friends who are always ready to help. Some really amazing fans of VidLyf who send best wishes for VidLyf and recognize me through it. So it feels great that I have started this journey, but still there is long way to go and I hope to get the love and support in future too like I have been getting till now. All credit goes to that fans and supporters of VidLyf.
7). Which are your favorite travel destinations, and why
I have been blessed to be staying in two of most favorite travel destination Dehra Dun & Paris. These are my all time favorite too, apart from this I would love to visit Pondicherry, Rome, Australia.
8). Your favorite quote?
The dreams and passions stored within hearts are powerful keys which can unlock a wealth of potential.
9). Do you believe in job or business? According to you which are the suitable choice of an individual to witness success in their career?
It is very personal choice; there is nothing wrong with doing Job or Business as long as you are enjoying it, learning something new daily and you feel good about your work. The day when you start like “I wish I don’t have work”, “What the hell I am doing”, then it is correct time for self-analysis. In life everything has certain advantages and some disadvantages; it is always upto us that what we can handle. Doing business is not an easy job; most people think like you are your own boss and you are enjoying like anything. But in reality you are your own employee too for a certain period of time unless you establish your business and many other headaches which only after being Boss you would get to know 😉
For suitable career choice, I would prefer to start with Job in the field of my interest; learn the skills, understand the business model, market strategies and start saving money. Then when you get good business model of your own, slowly start with it and quit job when your business model is successfully implemented and you need to give your own business all the dedicated time.

10). Share your experiences in the working as Blogger in this blogging world?
I am relatively very new; I had started with Health & Lifestyle niche, then started writing entertainment articles too based on Indian Television and Bollywood. Then started with latest technological advancement news mainly on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain. Very recently started with story-telling niche for Yourdreamtale. Here is my article: The Untold Dreams of Our Parents
11). How VidLyf.comhappen? If you can share a brief story of the same?
As I have said in my intro, I was model/actress earlier in the start of my career; so during one Ad Shoot I have faced serious accident and after that I quit acting as I was unable to give proper time to my family and they were very emotional about me. So moved to Paris for further studies. There I started learning about blogging and discovered my new passion. It was really fun as I have made everything on my own, took bit of guidance from my very dear Friend Jayanta who have been helping a lot. I have tried to mention and thank him publicly but he doesn’t like limelight or to get attention. His simple funda is he’ll help anyone and everyone if he can.
Then coming to my blogging career, I have started with, at first made it as Video Sharing and streaming platform like youtube but didn’t get much response. So converted it to multi-niche blog.