“I Believe Anyone Can Be A Good Author If He or She Can Build A Plot Well And Explain It To Others,” — Arinjay Ghosh

Arinjay Ghosh is a writer and system engineer based out of Kolkata, India. He’s someone who is inherently passionate about writing. He has been writing since his childhood. Despite being extremely busy with his professional life as a system engineer, he still keeps on writing.
Recently, we chatted with Arinjay Ghosh and wanted to know more about his passion, interest, and love for writing. We also asked him several other questions and he candidly replied to each of them.
We are extremely delighted to feature his exclusive interview on our news portal. He has already finished writing several books, especially relating to science-fiction and horror genre. He has also a lot of ambitious plan ahead.
Here Are the Excerpts
Thanks a lot, Arinjay, for your collaboration with us. Briefly introduce yourself.
Ans: Hello, I am Arinjay Ghosh. I am an Indian author who loves to write novels and short stories. I mostly write thrillers, but I’ve tried my hands at various genres and types of writing. I use my pen-name Sebastian Willman while I write and publish my books and works. Professionally, I am working as an Assistant System Engineer in an organisation. Writing has always been my passion and hobby.
How has your literary journey been so far? Please explain.
Ans: The journey started in school when I was 7. I think it was due to the fact that I loved to read a lot when I was a kid. Gradually, I started writing longer stories. I started writing a crime thriller series in 2012 when I was 13, and the series still continues. I haven’t published any of those stories yet because they all need editing before I can publish them.
I published my first book in 2018, “Country Girl”. My latest work is a horror trilogy, “The Cry”, published in 2020.
Were you always interested in writing? Was it your childhood hobby?
Ans: As I said, I started writing when I was 7. It was one of my major childhood hobbies. There were no phones back then to keep us engaged. Writing was the boredom-killer device for me.
What are your current literary projects in hand? How do you manage time for writing?
Ans: I am currently working on a sci-fi novel, and I plan to publish it by autumn next year. Also, I am currently working on a video game that I have written and developed myself.
I write when I love to. There is no fixed routine or schedule for writing in my to-do list. Maybe that is because I am an amateur, but also because you cannot write when you don’t feel like writing. Every creation and artwork requires a mood.
Do you also run a website or blog site? Please share some links so that our readers can read your works.
Ans: Yes, you can visit my website, Sebastian Willman, which is the hub for everything I do. You can browse my books, my game and get links to connect with me via LinkedIn, Quora or YouTube.
How many books have you written so far? Comment on it and share direct links to buy your books.
Ans: I have self-published 7 books so far, and you can get links to all those books from my website that I mentioned. However, here are direct links to get my books from Amazon, both ebook and paperback versions.
#1) Country Girl
#2) Ancient Agencies –
#3) A Book of Tales
The Cry #1
Who are your favourite authors? Do you prefer reading novels or short-stories?
Ans: My favourite authors include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Jeffrey Archer. But I read books from all authors, and I have no such preference. I believe anyone can be a good author if he or she can build a plot well and explain it to others.
Whether I like short stories or novels depends on my mood when I read. As everybody knows, they have different writing styles. While short stories are generally fast-paced, novels are more detailed. I read both and I also write both.
What would be your motivation tips to aspiring fiction writers?
Ans: Fiction comes when you observe reality and insert your imagination in it to create a plot. So give preference to your plot. Speaking of me, I don’t think about the ending when I start writing. It comes eventually. But in the case of short stories, it’s always better to think about the whole thing before you write, since they are short.
How was your experience dealing with the covid-19 lockdowns, when you couldn’t go out and had to worked at home? How did you deal with that situation?
Ans: Many authors love to visit places and write their experiences in their books. Some authors also create some exaggeration and make it into a best selling fiction. For them, the lockdown has been most disadvantageous.
But I like to think and write. I am not much of a tourist person. One thing that the lockdown brought to me was time to think and write more. My last work was fully created in the midst of the lockdown.
Finally, can you recall some of the most difficult moments that you have successfully overcome in your life.
Ans: There have been moments when I could not write due to other works, be it in school or college. But I never left my passion. Even if I write one day a month, I make sure I write it. Any amount of progress is okay.
Another instance I can recall is what happened some months ago, when I couldn’t focus on creating a plot. I gave myself time, and rejected some manuscripts. I learnt that you have to rethink if an idea does not suit you well. There is no harm in striking off what you have written and starting afresh.
(Thanks a lot, Arinjay, for this fabulous and insightful interview. We wish you all the best in life.)