“Always Look for a Brighter Side No Matter How Devastating a Situation Is! — Sharon Swathi Gaddala”

If you want to know how does it feel to be versatile ask, Sharon! Yes, Sharon Swathi Gaddala is a life coach, author, poet, mom, and most importantly, a wonderful human being. She is a firm believer in God. And if you interact with her even for a few minutes you will feel quite optimistic and positive about life.
Recently, we requested her to spend some time for this exclusive interview. Despite her busy schedule, she agreed for it.
We, at TheCheckerNews, are extremely happy to feature her on our platform. She replied to all our questions very candidly.
Here are the excerpts.
Hi Sharon! Welcome to TheCheckerNews.Com. Please briefly explain about yourself.
Ans: Thank you for having me, it’s a pleasure. I am from Hyderabad. My Dad is an Ex-serviceman, Mom a home and peacemaker. I work with a Fortune 100 company, 15+ years of corporate experience in training and Compliance audits. I owe my everything to JESUS, mom, dad and my husband.
A yummy mummy to my gorgeous 3-year-old daughter, feminist in progress and a curios maniac. Overall, learning to become a better person than yesterday.
So, you are a poet, author, and life coach. How it all began?
Ans: Huuhh! long one.
The Poet – I think, I am organically poetic. I wrote itsy-bitsy poems since childhood and always kept a personal diary. With plethora of platforms available now, I was able to publish my poems and quotes on Poemhunter and various others.
The Author – I am an accidental author. Sleep was a luxury since I delivered my daughter about 3 years back. I and my husband were chatting over our morning tea, he suggested I download the Kindle app and read books in tandem to baby-sitting. Books were never my cup of tea or coffee, never read a book except for Holy Bible. I was not keen on downloading the app but gave it a shot anyways. With kindle, unlimited tried random reading, but nothing riveted me till I got to
*A girl to remember* by Ajay K Pandey.
I completed this in one shot, it was delightful to read a true story and this kind of sparked a thought in me of why I can’t write a book about my life since I always considered my life to be somewhat inspiring. Though the idea of writing a book was a complete comedy, I am grateful to the way my husband encouraged and believed in me that I could write a good book.
The Life Coach – I am a sorted and disciplined person in general, thanks to the Holy Bible, my disciplined Dad (ARMY GUY) and NCC (National Cadet Corps.).I would do a lot of introspection and self-reflection on an ongoing basis hence always had clarity in life. Many friends and family members would reach out to me asking for help when they had a problem. It was exhilarating to help loved ones or at least tell them some ways to get out of that problem, this became a ritual.
This inspired me to identify how I could assist others too, not limiting to friends and family. The quest led me to become a life coach, I completed my professional training and currently pursuing my ACC Life coach certification from the International Coaching Federation.
Today, every one of us suffers from mental stress and health-related issues. Can you give some tips on fitness and stress-free life?
Ans: Nothing comes in our life unless we allow it, we allow stress, we will get stress, isn’t it? It is in our brain on how we choose to react to these situations, keeping aside what the actual situation, itself is about. Always look for a brighter side no matter how worst or devastating a situation is. Ask yourself what can I learn from it? how can I evolve as a person, from this situation?
You need to channel and train your brain to make it believe in positivity and gratitude whilst dealing with negativity. Once you commence practising this, over a period of time, your brain organically behaves positively, in turn, helping you lead a better, healthy and happy life. Negativity is off course part of day-to-day life, but you should not let it hijack your peace and make you relentless.
Some ways you can do this is by reading something positive every day for whatever time you can. Read a poem from a genre you like, read an article of your interest, read a religious book, anything which will make you feel good!!
Think something positive before you go to sleep and after you wake up in the morning. As simple as thank GOD I am alive, so many people may have lost their lives, but I am still alive, and I will make the most of it. While going to sleep, tell yourself, thank GOD for this day, I am thankful for everything I have, my family, friends, house, food, count everything you have as a blessing. Please remember and reiterate to yourself that whatever you have is a privilege denied to many others, in this world.
If you have a person, you trust, open up and share your thoughts with them, sharing your emotions and feelings will help you ease off. Seek help, when you think you are lost and are uncertain with situations or problems, there is nothing wrong with it, we all need help at some stage of our life, don’t be ashamed or blame yourself for what happened with you. Needless to say, we all have one life.
Exercise whenever you can, when I say this, it necessarily doesn’t mean you hit the gym, it means just spend time being active like walking alone or with your friends for 3000-5000 steps or more every day, that’s an awesome exercise. So move and take your body along.
Last but not the least, digital detox, it is imperative in the times we live in. We spend most of our 24 hours with our gadgets and forget what other things have to offer us like nature, family, friends, neighbours or a date with yourself. Tell yourself I will be on a digital detox for a few hours or a day, obviously during your time off from work/business. Start practising it diligently. This time do something which gives you happiness, practising a hobby like playing a sport, go cycling, write, sing, dance, workout, gardening, painting, any art, anything you like.
We listen to all this, every single day but how many of us practise it? Unless you get to start practising these little things, you will not see the big difference in your life. Self-reflection and self-realization is all we need to be good, do good and feel good!
How does creativity affect one’s life for good?
Ans: I think creativity helps you discover your talent and capability of your thoughts and how you can action them. When you are creative and doing something from it, happiness and satisfaction is immeasurable. The contentment you feel is going to be something out of this world, singular feeling. It also boosts your confidence and up`s your courage to try something new, next time and all this ultimately adds up to a better life. So, get creative and go where your creative thoughts take you. Very few people do this these days.
How can our readers read your creative stuff? Please share some links!
Ans: Absolutely, my website has all the links www.sharonswathigaddala.com
You authored a book “I Choose, At 18.” How was the response from readers? Can you give some hints on your next novel exclusively to TheCheckerNews?
Ans: I Choose At 18, is exceptionally close to my heart for many reasons. This is my first book, an autobiography hence even more special.
Readers response had been encouraging so far, Amazon has some wonderful comments too, for an author it is delightful to see their work being appreciated.
I have two books coming up, one is a love story, I am a hardcore romantic person, I wanted to write a love story. Another book is a self-help book, It will cover topics like confidence, decisions, choices, clarity and mental health.
Who are some of your favourite literary persons?
Ans: William Shakespeare, his poems and plays from the 16th century, enthral and astonish me endlessly. I consider him the most romantic man.
As a life coach, please give some vital tips to people when things don’t go as per their wishes.
Ans: Coaching is a work in progress industry, it’s about personal growth and a self-evolving process.
According to a research conducted by International coaching federation (ICF 1998-ICF 2009) clients have found coaching be valuable to their lives by improving their self-confidence, more harmonious relationships, smarter business management, greater career opportunities, improved goal settings, better time management, more income, stop bad habits, have more fun and overall improve quality of life.
In this research, 99% of clients were very satisfied. In another study conducted (ICF 2004), Clients found themselves having an independent viewpoint, they received encouragement, they start being accountable and lead a more happy and prosperous life.
Get in touch with a life coach (BIG SMILE). The reason I say this is because every individual is different hence their situations, problems and solutions to their problems will be different too. To get the best out of anyone, it is imperative to spend time thru personal coaching. I do my first session for free, an appointment can be from my website www.sharonswathigaddala.com
In general, I recommend, reading self-help books, there are umpteen of them available on various social platforms.
Finally, please give a few tips to aspiring authors who are not getting much success even after putting in so much hard work at their writings.
Ans: People need to evaluate and understand what success is for them. For me, success is more at an individual level and not some benchmark to achieve. One should always work, give their best and leave the rest to GOD. I am a firm believer in GOD and that’s what I do.
There are things which are in our control and things which are not, therefore, we need to give our best to what is in our control, every single time. For some it comes early, for some it takes time, give time a little time. Success will come when it has to. GOD BLESS YOU! Thank you.
(We, at TheCheckerNews, wish Sharon all the best for her future endeavours. Keep inspiring.) Thanks!