An Exclusive Interview with LinkedIn STAR Shlok Gupta

Last week, we interacted with Shlok Gupta. He is quite popular all over LinkedIn and other social media channels for his wittiness and one-liners. He’s an absolutely phenomenal person who has enormous talents, energy, and of course, the skill to make people laugh even out of serious issues. For this interview, we asked him several questions and he candidly answered all our queries.
We hope our readers will enjoy reading this interview and also learn a lot of things. We want to thank super-busy Shlok for sparing some time for TheCheckerNews from his busy schedule.
Here are the excerpts
Hello Shlok. Welcome to TheCheckerNews.Com. Please give a little bit of your background.
Ans: My name is Shlok . You might know be by my social media title Shlok’s Shlok. I am currently a MBA candidate at Washington University In St Louis in United States. I am originally from Lucknow, India. I have lived in Delhi & Hyderabad as well. I love writing! I create content on Linkedin and Instagram. I have 150 million+ views on my content.
Do you agree you are Kapil Sharma of Linkedin? Where do you get your wittiness from?
Ans: Haha. Thanks. Its honor to be compared with called Kapil Sharma. But honestly being funny is just one think. And also its very difficult thing. I have to do a lot of research and analysis on what will work and what will not.
Also my content is beyond humor. A lot of time I talk about serious issues! I am a political nerd & kind of a social activist at heart! I love to bring out that in my writing.
About my witness, I think I got it from my mom. As growing up, I always heard her make these one liners on us! Of course! we were her only audience ! I became so used to it! Now witty one linkers feel like normal conversation for me! So when I am writing something on social media I write it naturally! I don’t try to be funny! Its people who find things funny! Lol.
Thank You mummy!
How did you fall in love with writing?
Ans: I was always a public speaker as a kid. I participated a lot in Hindi debates and won prizes. But I never wrote my speeches. As I grew up, I realized I have so much inside me that I want to share with the world. That’s how I started writing.
Writing is my way to liberate myself. Its my way to express myself to the world. I am very bad at talking to people and sharing my emotions. I would rather write it and tell them.
What are you doing these days? What are your upcoming projects or aim to do in life? Do you want to write a book/ novel in a few years?
Ans: I plan to expand Shlok’s Shlok to multiple platforms and make an ecosystem of engaging stories being told across social media. I am involved in influencer marketing. I have been involved in with a lot of top brands in the past. I will continue with do more influencer marketing.
Well about writing novel…. No such immediate plan. But I definitely have some story ideas that I want to explore in long format. So hopefully one day!
Do you get overwhelmed when someone say they are your fans?
Ans: Haha. Its definitely an interesting feeling. But more than feeling proudy I feel confident about my writing. Because they are not my fan. They are fan of my writing. And a lot of effort goes into creating viral content. So I hard work has been paid off.
How do you deal with online trolling?
Ans: Online trolling is common for anyone who has put themselves out for public consumption. I get called all kinds of name.
Honestly, most of the times it doesn’t bother me. I laugh a lot of times. But sometimes it hits hard when someone say bad thing about my family or authenticity of of educational credentials. Overall, I try to remain positive and not that overwhelm me.
Do you love traveling? Which cities and countries have you already visited?
Ans: Damm! I am a travel addict. I have so much wanderlust. I recently went across Eurpore to Spain, France, Belgium. I have been to South America. I am exploring US. I love California, New York and Chicago.
But there is so much more to explore.
Normal people plan to get married and have kids, I plan to explore 50 countries in next 10 years. That is my life goal!
Besides all this! You are intelligent. You are student in an MBA program that is considered among Top 25 best program in world. Can you briefly explain your experience about college days at Washington University? How is the campus life in the US college differs from Indian college?
Ans: I don’t call myself intelligent! I was just persistent that I wanted to achieve this! Hence I worked hard! And got into this university!
About the US college life… Its a big contrast. I have learned so many things. I am in a class of 86 with just 9 Indians. It has made me appreciate the diversity of the world a lot more.
I am amazed by the ideas people bring. I feel privileged to be sitting in the same room as some of the brightest minds in the world. I would recommend anyone to study internationally at a top university. Its very important for your overall development.