World Population Day 2019: Origin, Account, Narration, Implication and Theme SMSS, WhatsApp Quotes, Wishes, Sayings, Slogans
Well, today, I will speak about, another very special and important day, which is direct, connected, to our society, where we are living, and today, we will be talking about the day and the event, called, namely, the World Population Day, and the day, our associates, with the population growth of our country, or the world, vice versa.
Well, the #World Population Day is a day, which we all globally, observe, each and every year, in this world, or the society, and a day is an annual event, which we all observed and celebrates, on the 11th July, on the once a year.
It is the World Population Day, launches, and organized, in order to seek to raise awareness, about, the very important, global population issues, which is I think, we need to talk, anyway.
The #World Population Day was an event and the day, which was launches, established, and organized, by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989, as per the Wikipedia.
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The day was motivated and inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, which is regarded and touted as an approximate date, on this date, the global population reached and arrive at 5 billion people, the Wikipedia mentioned, further.
The #World Population Day set a goal, and an aims, which is to increase people’s awareness on various population issues which is includes, the gender equality, poverty, maternal health and human rights, and the day, World Population Day, is also emphasis, on the other key point and its, importance, like, family planning, and all other important, point of the small family concept.
The day was proposed, and suggested by Dr. K.C.Zachariah in which popuvgghlation reaches 5 Billion, it was the period, when he used, to as Sr Demographer at #World Bank.

World Population Day 2019: Origin, Account, Narration, Implication and Theme SMSS, WhatsApp Quotes, Wishes, Sayings, Slogans
1). The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.
You cannot control your own population by force, but it can be distracted by consumption.
Noam Chomsky
3). The population needs to be stabilized for sustainable development.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
4). We’re going to merge with machines and become gods, but first, we’ve got to reduce the world population 90 percent.
Alex Jones

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