Say No to Student Politics & Campus Violence ! College Life ! Abode of Learning

Say No to Student Politics & Campus Violence ! College Life ! Abode of Learning

Today, I want to discuss campus politics or student activism. Honestly, if you ask me if it’s right or wrong, I don’t have an answer to it. Just like every other thing in the world, it’s 50-50. But the choice of candidates who fight the elections—usually, they have very strong political connections, a controversial past, or tend to be violent—makes the situation really alarming.

Now, I am not saying to shun student politics and sit at home. All I can say is keep things non-violent and civil. There is no point in making your campus a breeding ground for violent activities. Don’t forget that your campus is, first of all, an abode of learning; then comes everything else.

Free A group of college students with backpacks walking together outdoors on campus. Stock Photo

Some students who don’t have an interest in studies join college just to continue their political activities inside the campuses, get into the spotlight, and appease their political masters.

Complete Your Graduation First

Therefore, I feel students should join politics only after at least completing their graduation, and secondly, political parties should stop patronizing students who have a violent past or are controversial figures. But it’s useless to cry over spoiled milk. I am damn sure no political party takes students seriously. All they know is to gather crowds in the name of youth politics, give fiery speeches to incense others, and manipulate gullible young minds who are already distracted, distanced from studies, and indulging in violent protests and demonstrations—the end result, as always, is landing in jail.

I want students to know their fundamental rights and fundamental duties well. They shouldn’t jump into politics straight away—first, complete your education. After all, your parents have great hopes for you. You can even serve the country and your brethren and sistren through your education. Don’t forget, violence won’t take you anywhere, but knowing how, why, and what to speak or write can help you reach your target audience and stimulate young minds and intellectual debates in the country.

Don’t make the ‘abode of learning’, for whatever reason, ‘the next ground for political opportunism.’ You study and let others study well. Live and let others live. With these words, I want to caution young minds—you shouldn’t fall into any political trap. Be vigilant, cautious, and stay alert. Embrace education and dedicate your full focus to studying.

Champion the Cause of Students ! Be Unbiased

If you see something wrong or want to take charge of changing the status quo, then don’t forget that ‘real battles begin with yourself.’ You should see things in perspective and in a transparent manner. Unfortunately, you can do so only when you are politically unbiased. Instead of indulging in the political slugfest that we usually see during college elections, I feel that instead, you should write the same on your blog and indulge in meaningful debates. Have U.S.-style debates—what’s your vision for the college in the next two to three years, and how well are you going to take students’ matters head-on?

Currently, I can see student unions are heavily opinionated and biased. They criticize their opponents but tend to overlook any wrongdoing within their own party or association. Take, for instance, no student union has ever taken up the issue of how candidates who completed their graduation or postgraduation through distance mode often face discrimination—whether for higher studies or in job interviews, both in private and government jobs in India.

Free Gothic-style stone archway entrance at Yale University campus, surrounded by greenery. Stock Photo

Usually, for these issues, at least, all student unions need to come forward and take a bipartisan approach, but as usual, they say one thing when in opposition and say the exact opposite when they are at the helm of the student union.

In Conclusion

That’s why, to be honest, I don’t have many expectations from student politics or youth politicians. My humble request is to keep campuses free from student politics. We have already seen enough. Do you think am I right or you feel otherwise? Feel free to give your opinion in the below comment section.

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