Let the Rainbow Reflect in Your Dinner, Lunch Dishes
I am very colour conscious. By instinct, I like hues and shades. I put my creativity in the dishes for lunch and dinner too. I prefer dishes that are colourful. Like in the morning a cup of tea with an assorted biscuits of different colours. Orange, White, Brown, Black and Pink coloured biscuits.
In fact, colour had been my passion since childhood. I saw every aspects of human Life through the colours. As nature and dress have many colours, food articles too have them.

I also desire to have colorful breakfast. Like Brown Bread with milk, green coriander omlette with White Bread. Light brown suji halwa. Red tomato soup is very tasty with toast. I also like some time green paratha of palak or methi with yellow chana dal with hing. I always have some coloured fruits after afternoon nap. Like Blueberries, Yellow Mango, Yellow Banana, Red Cherries, Orange, Red An Apple, Red Raspberries, Water Mellon, Red strawberries. Green Kiwis! Little funny it may sound, but a fruit-dish of myriad colours – like the Rainbow – is a very healthy choice. Very few people know that colourful fruits or food have different type of Minrarals, Protein, Calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and Antioxidant elements. It prevents us from risk of diseases. I also am fascinated with colouful Jams since childhood. I agree that I am intoxicated with colourful food. I think it has great taste.

In launch, varieties of green veg give me green taste. Red tomato chutni is looks amazing. Green peas curry cooking always is special. I am very much interesting about colouful food. It make me happy. My mom’s hand’s green coriander leaves potato curry is my favourate dish. Purple brinjal bharta is my signature dish. White curd curry is healthy dish. Actually, food-dishers are colourful in nature. But it is another thing that we cannot notice it.
Suggested: Way to deal With My Craving for Food, Meeting emotional hunger is more important
Let the Rainbow Reflect in Your Dinner, Lunch Dishes

I always want serve people in plate different food. Guests also like this idea. Brown chocolate is directly related to my nostalgic memory of Christmas.
Actually eating colourful veg and fruits make my mood swing. As it is a fact that earth produce some colourful vegetables, such food are optimal for human health. I adore my plate if it is filled with rainbow-style food stuff. Without colour, both life and food are very stereotype. That is something which I want to share with World.