Today episode of the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, begins, with Puja come in the factory, and she is having an encounter, with Kabir. Kabir, looks very angry and Puja, also looks, very angry, and Puja humiliated Kabir badly.

Now, Puja, also asked Kabir to work, in the factory, and she asked chacha jee, to teach Kabir, how to do the factory work, about which Chacha Ji asked to Kabir, that how he can teach Kabir, Kabir is for, him like his master, so how he can teach Kabir?

Now, Kabir, who was very humble asked to the Chacha Jee, that he is like a normal work of the factory, and he will love to work with chacha jee, in the factory, like work, is work, there are no differences, and he asked chacha jee to teach him, about which the chacha jee said, that he can’t teach Kabir, as he is feeling bad for it….

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Well, the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, further show, that, manager, come there, after here, the conversation, between, chacha jee, and Kabir, and he intervenes, in the conversation between, the chacha jee and Kabir, at the conversation and he asked Chacha jee, to teach, Kabir, about, which chacha jee, said, that he will not teach Kabir, as he can’t teach Kabir.


Now the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, further shows that the manager tries, to slap Chacha jee, as he denied, to follow his order about which Kabir, and throw manager, before he could touch Chacha jee.

Now, the soap opera, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, further shows, after, Kabir, pushes, the Manager, it is Puja, come there and the suspect, and find out what is going on and after knowing that it is there was an argument, between, Manager, and Kabir, because of the Chacha Jee, and with the surprise to the manager, she was supported, the Chacha jee, which is make Kanir, shocked and stunned, and the other workers, also looked very surprised, including, Manager, as Manager, and other people though, that she would be supported, him.


Now, the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, further shows, Puja, come home and she said, to Amma that she is supporting, Chacha Jee, because, this is her technique, to attract workers, and to make them, in her favor, and also she wants to make Kabir, bad, in the eyes of the worker, which she will hopefully, successfully, going to do very soon.

Amma supported Puja and her work, and also further display, in the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, that Amma said, that in the coming days, she will be successful, in her mission…

Suddenly, at the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, Puja, see, that the Rani is coming and she is happy, to see her, and she welcome Rani, but Rani was angry, and she asked Puja, about Kabir’s where about?

About which Puja, said, that Kabir, is working in the factory, with other workers, after knowing the fact, Rani, became very angry and she asked Puja, that how she can do this to Kabir, and she also has a minor fight with Puja. This is making Puja, stunned!!!!

Now at the daily soap, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, Rani says, to Amma that she is also having a share on this property, so she will from her property, side, give a job to him, which will suit Kabir which make, Puja, angry and stunned. Amma also became shocked to see the behavior of the Rani….

Now, Rani comes in the factory, and she is embraced, Kabir, on seeing that he is working in the factory, with the other workers, and Kabir, is found, it is irritating, when Rani embraced him and hug him.

Kabir, asked Rani to go from there, and it was the moment, when Rani, take a knife and threatened, to Kabir, that she will commit suicide, because, she loves, Kabir, and Kabir became shocked to see so and he takes a knife from her and asked her to stop doing this.

But with the shocked to the audiences and fans of the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, Kabir instead gives another knife to Rani and asked her to cut, her hands, with this knife, so that her nerves of the hands, will be cut properly.

Rani, stare at Kabir, and she looked very shocked to see this behavior or Kabir, and Kabir, also asked Rani, that if she is in love with him, then how she can let her Di destroy, his family and their lives…

Now, the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, further shows, that on seeing the bad behavior of the Kabir, Rani became angry with him, and she also asked to him whatever, Puja, is doing with him and his right and she should continue, do this to them anyway.

Precap: Kabir will have a verbal argument with Puja, at the TV series, EK BHRAM SARVAGUN SAMPANNA, and he will be also seen doing the challenge, to her anyway.

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