Blogging and Journalism: Basic & Quality Distinguish Between These Two Concept
Blogging and Journalism, both are writing art indeed, in fact, there are no differences between, these two words, Blogging, and Journalism, but here, I’m ready to discuss with you some different facts, between, these two terms, Blogging, and Journalism, and in order to know the same, you just need to read this whole article.
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This article is very special for me, as in this article I will explain the basic and quality differences between, Blogging and Journalism, according to my own, thoughts, opinion and thinking, and let me tell you, I’m neither, from anyone.

So let’s discuss the same, the distinguishes, between, the Blogging and Journalism, and I forget to tell you that I consider myself a blogger.
What is Blogging
Blogging and Journalism: Basic & Quality Distinguish Between These Two Concept
1). Basically, there are no differences between, Blogging and Journalism, exactly, both are two sides of the same coin and main aim of these two ideas or concept, Blogging, and Journalism, to penned down articles, writes ups or content.

2). If we are discussing about the Blogging and Journalism, then we can also add a new world, in this which is the “Content Writer”, which is also literally, another side of the Blogging and Journalism, as the work of the “Content Writer”, is to write articles, blogs, write-ups, content, like the way, the bloggers and the journalists do as per their job or the profession, Blogging, and Journalism.

3). Journalism is something, which is written by the Journalist, on the basis of the paper works, research, facts and all. Though, Bloggers are those, who write, their opinion, in the blog, which is written by them….. Indeed, the Bloggers, also do research work, and write the blog, on the basis of the facts, but they also penned down, their opinion, in the same.
At the same time, when, the Journalist, write the article, in that time, they really, don’t need to put much opinion or feedback of them in the article or the write-up.

4). When Journalist, write the write-up, it is called, article, but, when the Bloggers, penned the piece of content or anything, it is called, Blogs, as simply, because, Bloggers, are writing Blogs, so write-ups, written by the Bloggers, are called, Blogs.

5). When as a writer, yes, I will also call it, Writer, not, the Journalist or the Bloggers, write a piece of news or write-ups, being a journalist, we have to publish the article, in a News Paper, but, being a blogger, we can also open, our Blog Site, and publish the same on our Blog Site, certainly…..