7 Vegetarian Bengali Food Or Cuisines Which Each Indian Will Love To Cherish

Whenever, we think about Bengali we always think that all Bengalis are love to cherish non veg food. Non veg food and meals is including, fish curry, chicken fried, mutton masala, anda curry (Egg Curry) and so on.
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But in this article we will discuss that there are some Bengali Food or dishes or cuisines or meal which are pure vegetarian and all people not only Bengalis, in fact, non Bengalis will also love to relishes those Bengali Food and cuisines.
Forget non veg, in that Bengali Food, even onions and garlic’s are not used, so mostly those food consumes on festival or some kind of puja.
So in this article we will mentioned some types of Bengali Food which are pure vegetarians’ and mostly consists of curry and sabji and fry food and all.
7 Vegetarian Bengali Food Or Cuisines Which Each Indian Will Love To Cherish
1). Paalong Shaager Ghonto (Spinach Sabji With Many Vegetables): This Bengali Food or recipe is prepared with spinach and different vegetables, like, radish, peas, green chili, tomato, ginger, brinjal and all and the recipe is mostly consume with rice and roti, is said to be one of the fav Bengali Food anyway.
2). Phool Kopir, Alloor Daalna (Couli Flower & Potato Curry): Phool Kopir Daalna means Couli Flower Curry is prepare with Couli Flower and potato with some masala, like, jeera, dhania, garam masala and all. The cuisine is said to be one of the tasty Bengali Food anyway, which mostly prepares in all Bengali festival.
3). Shukto (A curry prepares with some vegetables and bitter guard): This is a kind of curry which is prepress with bitter guard and some vegetables, AND MAINLY the dish is taken as side dish by all Bengali people. And this Bengali Food is eating with rice mostly in the first round of meal.
4). Borar Jhaal (A Curry type Bengali Food prepares with Besan): Borar Jhaal is a amazing Bengali Food prepares with Besan and Sarso, in which first people will make ball means Bora with the Besan and then prepares it curry with sarso and tomato which is mostly serves with rice.
5). Chholaar Daal (Chana Daal): Chholaar Daal means Chana Daal prepares with some jeera and garam masala and Chholaar Daal is also turn to be a thick daal which is also turn to be most fav recipe of Bengali people.
Whether it is festival, or birthday party, marriage anniversary or guest arrive, we Bengalis mostly prepares this Chholaar Daal which is sometimes we also garnish with coconut and turn to be most popular and delicious Bengali Food or dish which can be prefer with rice and Luchii (Puri).
A happy Bong breakfast comprises kochuri and aloo-chholaar daal'er tawrkaari. Joy Bangla! pic.twitter.com/6WqhT2aYSV
— Wordsmith (@Bongo_Lawlona) March 11, 2014
6). Alloor Dom (Potato Curry): Alloor Dom is also one Bengali Food which is prepares with potato and jeera and dhania and garam masala. Alloor Dom can be prepares with onion and garlic also but due to in this article we are talking about vegetarian Bengali Food, so it will be suggested that Alloor Dom should be prepares with Jeera and garam masala.
7). Kumro Alloo Hing Diye Torkaari (Pumpkin Potato Curry): Kumro Alloo Hing Diye Torkaari prepares with pumpkin and potato in which we give some tadka of hing. And the curry, is prepares with jeera, ginger, mirchi powder and all. Kumro Alloo Hing Diye Torkaari is a types of Bengali Food which is mostly serves with Porotha (Paqratha) and Luchi (Puri).
8). Beguner Alloor Torkari (Curry of Brinjal): This recipe is prepares with brinjal and potato which is mostly serves with Paratha and touted as one of the tasty Bengali Food recipe.
You don’t need to be Bengali in order to eat those Bengali Food. You can order these delicious foods even from a local restaurant or hotel near you.