Life Inspiring Quotes Write Down By Me ~ Chitra

Being a creative person I always make quotes, some of the different thoughts on life and write down them on a note pad or paper sometimes I share them on the social site or media too, like, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and so on.

Also Read: Love: This Is A Beautiful Feeling

Also Read: Life’s Dream Journey of Chitra as a Blogger

The term Life it is not only a SIMPLE word, It is a journey which is full of several ups and downs, usually, each beings life is full of ups and downs and the life is all about that in spite of it will be full of struggles, each being need to lead their life and emerge as a winner.


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Whether you were born into a wealthy family or a poor one, your life can be a bit full of complexities and this can be inspiring enough for the other people too.

Let me tell you, these life inspiring quotes prepared and write down by me are enough to inspire you I think and these can be also help you to lead a quality life.

Life Inspiring Quotes Write Down By Me ~ Chitra

Life Inspiring Quotes Write Down By Me ~ Chitra

Love is reflection of soul, it is precious then gold, and so love would be everyone’s life’s goal.

Winter Night is Silent night, that’s why I feel it haunted night

When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different and you will also realize about the person that maybe they loves you 🙂

Hate backstabbing  🙂 and love cat and animals too  <3 🙂 but love kids obviously  <3  🙂

I don’t know how to prepare Vegetarian Food ??

Beauty doesn’t need to suit on your eyes, instead #beauty should suit on your Heartzzz  ;* 🙂

I create my own Fashion ?

My own Trend ?

Morning will be Blissful if you do Noble Work ??

I’m literally Queen of MY OWN World ???

So don’t tell me what to do ??

I will do what MY HeArtzzz sayzzzzz????

My Life My Attitude

im creative

3 thoughts on “Life Inspiring Quotes Write Down By Me ~ Chitra

  1. I always believe that inspiring quotes can not only inspire but can change the course of your life. Glad you have shared these.

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