My technique as a fresher’s Artists

I am really courageous to give you guys some tips for painting. So what if I am totally new to it?  Painting is in my genes descending from my mother. I and my little Bro gave the idea of painting to my mother. She really became a good painter with only practice and no teaching.

To be a painter, you must have an idea about every color. Its help your inner strength for Painting. Want to create curiosity about colors idea? Bring Sketch Pen, Watercolor, Crayons, and Oil Pastel. Get knowledge about different color-shades.

One thing I realized. If I paint something, I must share it with the World. Even I am not like any famous Artist but still, I am a Happy Person. One thing I want to guarantee you: an idea about color is not at all complex like the real World. I use a towel to wipe my hand wet with colors. It is very important. I use my hand for another purpose after wiping it. I draw for comic books. I want to draw many shades of nature and also portray beings. It is very important that you draw inspiration from nature.

By creating shades of different colors, I get peace of mind. I am completely new in this field. No practical training and education in Art. I admire great Indian and international painters. I recently bought books on the biographies of great artists like MF Hussain and Raja Ravi Verma.

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My technique as a fresher’s Artists

I don’t bother about the cost of Painting box and Drawing Copy. As if it is commercialized then I get more money from it. But for now, I am not getting money from my paintings.

Recently I know about poster color. It made my paintings look good. I never forget to wash my color brush with liquid soap. I collect all my color copies. I learned art from YouTube in mobile in the night. That does not mean My Art is a second-hand idea. But inspiration from YouTube is today very instinct and natural.

I notice a big change in my style of painting when compared to my childhood days when I drew flowers and Rangoli. Drawing exam in school was wonderful. It is a thing of nostalgia. My parents gave separate Sketch Pen sets to we three siblings. My mother taught me the first time Rose and lotus. That was the starting point of my Artistic life.

Yesterday, I read in Google that Painting gives our mind relaxations. Now some changes I notice in my personality. I am more close to nature. Like drawing Rainbow is not the only word for me at the present moment. Painting about tiger and deer mean a lot for me.  As it creates my creativity ecosystem.

I draw some type of paintings that pertains to nature. I draw a mountain. It is the highest achievement for me. Funny nostalgia, my Mother always drew a cat in anywhere, everywhere, even in bed cover.  In our sweet home, painting stuff always came as a gift.  I draw Butterfly in a different style. Biggest desire in my heart is I want to Painting about village and farmers Land. I want to go to the jungles to become an expert Painter. Almighty do favor me like every time you do. I know definitely Angel would come and give me blessings for my colorful ideas.

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