A True Devotion to God Makes Our Lives More Fruitful

A True Devotion to God Makes Our Lives More Fruitful

The biggest ecstasy of human life is a devotion and attachment to Gods. But it is still an enigma why everyone doesn’t realize a devotee’s true dedication to the god? Sincere devotees like Mira Bai’s relentless pursuit of Lord Krishna, and even Ram Krishna Paramahansa’s quest for Goddess Maa Kali, have often been misunderstood and questioned.

But, crossing all odds, these devotees successfully touched the pinnacle of their devotion and dedication in the sincerest manner possible. Rather caring about how the world perceived them – these devotees stayed committed to God.

This is how devotion wins every time when worldly things seem irrelevant in front of one’s allegiance to omnipotent.Statue With Orange Necklace Surrounded by Plants and TreesI realized it in my childhood that there is definitely some magic and unexplained feelings when one completely immerse oneself in the world of spirituality.

A Joy of Devotion is a Joy Forever

I, personally, believe that the God listens to our prayers, and answers us back by showering his blessings upon us.

Since childhood, I have closely observed many festivals, religions, and customs — and got enthralled by the way how devotees stood in long queue for prayers at temples.

It’s absolutely phenomenal –those quiet and priceless moments when only the devotee and God communicate with each other while others can’t see or feel it.White and Brown Dome BuildingIt seemed enigmatic to me in the beginning, but gradually I learned that nothing in this entire world seems as great as being a true and real devotee of God.

I can never wipe away the fading memories of that octogenarian – blind man. With a fragile health and support of a stick, he lamely walked to a nearby temple for holy prayers. I have no words to explain how his earnestness to visit the abode of gods has changed my perception on life and gods forever!

Now, I feel, as if I”m also intertwined with the same sacred thread of devotion to God.

Be it a college exam, job interview or even daily life, my faith has a profound impact in my life. It keeps me in an upbeat mood and cheerful spirit round the clock. I enjoy each moment of it.

Devotion and the Sheer Joy of Life

To which religion you belong to or practice becomes practically immaterial when your devotion to a particular god (even outside your ancestor’s religion) is pious and sanctimonious.

The joy of devotion transcends all religions and faiths without an iota of blemish and feeling of guilt inside a devotee’s heart, mind and soul.Lord Shiva Statue

What does our human life consist of? The worldly things that come across us?

No, human life is not just meant for enjoying these things only, but also to be able to feel the absolute bliss of being a devotee of a god. An honest devotion connects a devotee to his gods without any intermediary or any other person.

This is the biggest joy in itself.

The joy of devotion just doesn’t stop here. It spreads from one person to person and gradually more people start realizing this uttermost pleasure of life. By staying devotee of a god for a lifetime, we can actually make our lives more enlightening and less worrisome.

(By Atish Home Chowdhury)


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