Kamika Ekadashi: Narration, Images, Account, FACTS, ACCOUNT, Tweets
Well, the Hindu festival, Kamika Ekadashi, is one of the very important, famous and the popular Hindu festival, which celebrates and observe, in the whole, India, with massive zeal and enthusiasm.
People, observe and perform, puja on the day, of this chief, I mean, one of the major, Hindu festival, Kamika Ekadashi, in order to seek blessings, and boon, from the Lord, which is also touted and regarded as one of the most pious and sacred festival, ever, and indeed.

Kamika Ekadashi: Narration, Images, Account, FACTS, ACCOUNT, Tweets
On a Sunday, the festival, Kamika Ekadashi, is observed and celebrated, in the whole, nation, India, certainly, on the 27th July 2019.
The festival, Kamika Ekadashi, is one of the prominent, Hindu and one of the auspicious festival, anyway.