How to Crack NABARD DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT Exam – Group B – 2019 Phase-1
Well, to begin with, cracking any government exam is almost like walking onto a path full of thorns. Yet, once you crack the exam, your life will fill with a bouquet of roses! Exactly, such is the charisma of any government job, and if you successfully grab any jobs at a prestigious organization like NABARD, then I can tell you that you have secured your life!

There is a popular saying in English that, ‘nothing succeeds like success.’ Mind you, the only path towards success is hard work and hard work. When you are facing a hyper-competitive test like NABARD DA, RDBS or GRADE A/B, then your hard work must be accompanied by cent percent sincerity, honesty, and dedication.
Tips to Pass NABARD DA Phase-1 Exam
- Don’t get afraid of the exam. We take exam every day in our lives in one way or other. Be hopeful and positive that you will crack this exam. In case, god forbids, if you can’t, then still you will get other chances.
- The only eligibility to appear at this test is you should be a graduate. Plus, don’t forget the implied eligibility criterion that you must be practicing the mock tests of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and English within a stipulated time at least for the last few months together.
- Relax! If you weren’t practicing these papers, then don’t get panicky, now. NABARD DA EXAM – 2019-2020 Full Notification will be out shortly. And, from my personal experience as I had appeared at this exam last October – though I couldn’t crack it – you will get around a couple of months to appear at its phase -1 exam also called preliminary exam.
- You will be asked to complete around 100 multiple type questions in an hour. Most of these questions will be from Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and English.
- This time, the total vacancy, as pointed out online by various sites, is 92 Development Assistant Posts. However, out of these 92 posts, 9 will be for DA (Hindi). It means that if you have completed your graduation in Hindi or English, then you can apply for those 9 posts as well. However, in my personal opinion, I don’t think NABARD will allow you to apply for multiple posts while applying online.
Time Schedule and Exam Routine – NABARD EXAM 2019
It’s never too late to start something. No matter, how much you were practicing the mock tests comprising the sections of math, reasoning, and English, once you fill out the online form of NABARD DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT EXAM; you must start following a predetermined schedule until the day of your exam!

7 AM: Wake Up Time
10 AM: By now, you must have finished your bathroom, and taken breakfast. Don’t skip reading newspapers. Keep reading at least one English newspaper daily.
11 AM – 1.30 PM: Just practice your previous mock tests relating to Banking. Don’t take stress keep practicing and match your answers to the one given in the end. You will find many books relating to competitive exams that give answers at the end of their mock tests.
2 PM to 4 PM: You should now take your lunch and relax a bit. During this time-frame, you can use social media, but don’t talk too much about this NABARD exam with other guys about your or their preparation. Because you are following your routine and they are their own!
5 PM to 7 PM: Try to complete all household chores by now. Once your clock strikes 7 PM then it’s your study time.
7 to 10 PM: This is your ‘Me’ time. Keep studying the portions that you find difficult to complete. Practice, practice, and practice! Watch YouTube videos relating to this exam.
10 PM to 11.30 PM: Take your dinner. Watch television or general light-hearted YouTube videos, listen to songs!
11.30-12.01AM: Read at least a three-four motivational quotes before you go to sleep and try to put yourself in that position and think!
Good Luck and Best Wishes to All the Candidates Appearing at NABARD DA (Phase-1/ Preliminary) Exam – 2019-2020!