Electrical Safety Checklist: How to Ensure a Secure Home or Workplace

It is in your own interest that you must take adequate steps to prevent fires caused by short-circuit or electrical spark and leakage of power through cables as it can be fatal for those living in the home, workplace, office and factories.
By and large, the electrical supply companies take all precautions and preventive measures to stop such accidents while installing the power lines. However, such accidents often take place due to manmade mistakes or natural calamities.
Natural calamities like earthquake, storm and excessive rain causing flood are also the reasons that can damage in the electrical system installed in a home, office or factory. Such cases may expose you to danger of fire or coming in contact with live wire snapped due to storm or earthquake.
Electrical Safety Checklist
If you want to play safe against electricity-related hazards, you must have a safety checklist. The necessity of this checklist arises out the reason that electrical safety is fast becoming a general practice due to growing cases of accidents.
This checklist is essential to handle and maintain electrically powered gadgets, instruments and equipment safely and prevent accidents.
We are listing below 10 electrical safety- checklists for you to adhere to prevent accidents:
- Ensure plugs, sockets and electrical fittings are robust and manufactured with latest technology
- Have you fixed and closed all electrical fuse and junction boxes?
- Ensure that fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical devices are correctly rated for the current the protect
- Entrust that a particular person has the key for fuse boxes
- Make the main switch clearly seen, identified and readily accessible in case of short-circuit, leakage of power from cable and electrical spark coming out of a gadget
- Do you inspect electrical installation in your built-in area regularly (or at least periodically)
- Have you cased, taped and spliced the wires and cables?
- Do you have a fire extinguisher?
- Identify if any cable or electrical wire has fallen on ground or in water
- Always wear rubber gloves and boot to repair minor works in power connection.
If you follow this checklist, there is no reason why your home or workplace would have dangers of accidents.
10 Steps to Ensure a Secure Home or Workplace
As a matter of safety, there are certain steps that you take to prevent fires and accidents related to power consumption. The following 10 steps may help you to all hazards related to electricity-related dangers:
- Basic training to handle electrical equipments: This is necessary to play safe against accidents and ensure safety of life.
- Safety against Water Contact: All electrical and power gadgets must be kept away from water. If a loose cable or a equipment is in direct contact with water, the result can be lethal.
- Plugging, Unplugging Precaution: When not in use, you should better unplug a electrically-run equipment or utility item. At the same time, while plugging ensure that you don’t do it with wet hand.
- Tight Installation: Installation of cable connection and all other equipments like meter box or switches should be tightly installed.
- Electrical Lines: You must regularly inspect the electrical or power lines. This can help you to know if any wear and tear of cables taking place.
- Warning Sign Installation: This can greatly ensure safety. If there is any smoke due to short circuit or sparking, it can warn you. It can signal or sound you about the danger. This is similar to smoke alert sound.
- Wall Dampness Examination: Damp walls can cause damage to cables. As a result, power may leak. This is the reason that you must examine the walls periodically, especially in rainy season, to ensure that the walls are not damp.
- Examine Your Home Electricity System after Natural Calamities: Flood, constant rain, lighting, extreme dry weather condition, land tremors and earthquakes can weaken the electrical cable lines and installations in your home. This can be very risky. Due to this reason, you must examine power cable system of your home immediately after any such natural disasters.
- Proper Insulation: Cables can leak if they are not insulated properly. Loosely insulated or uncoated cables can cause spark which is very risky. Due to this reason, it is always advisable that you coat and insulate the cables.
- Thunder Protection: Electrical gadgets and cables can get totally damaged due to thunder or lighting of heavy intensity. If it is thundering, you should disconnect powr from the main switch.
Electrical safety in any built-in area be it a home, apartment, office or factory is essential to prevent fire or current / shock-related accidents that may kill human being and destroy property. If you don’t use electrical safety equipment for safety reasons, major short-circuit related fire cases may happen at any time.