Corporate Ready Manpower Needed for Make-in-India Programs: Dr. Nikhil Chandwani
Corporate Ready Manpower Needed for Make-in-India Programs: Dr. Nikhil Chandwani
In what may come as a positive push for the India Inc. currently suffering from the shortage of trained-manpower, the Walnut Discoveries Private Limited has made a major corporate decision of creating a leadership pipeline by developing human resources for all tiers of business.
The decision of Walnut Discoveries Private Limited would also speed up the Make-in-India programme of the Modi Government as the foreign companies coming to India would not suffer from the shortage of corporate-ready manpower.

Visionary Behind Walnut Discoveries Pvt. Ltd: Dr. Nikhil Chandwani
The company currently is engaged in research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering to systematically nurture the talent and tap the potentiality of future managers for business houses.
In its bid to help India Inc reap the demographic dividend, this Nagpur-based company has started helping the teens and youth to turn entrepreneurs, bloom their creative genius and add impetus to their qualities to create a leadership pipeline for the corporate India. The Ease of Doing Business in India is also directly linked with the trained manpower.
Walnut Discoveries Pvt Ltd Is Expanding Its Business
In a release here, Dr. Chandwani said his company is specially curing the teen and youth a large chunk of whom are totally confused about their future goals, suffering from suicidal tendencies and depression. “Since the Walnut Discoveries Private Limited believes every Indian is a “Rare One” having infinite potentialities, we do not want even a single manpower to be wasted,” Dr. Chandwani said.
The Walnut Discoveries Private Limited has already made 104 confused, lonely, depressed minds with suicidal tendencies to come out of these negative thoughts and achieve success in their lives. Right now, 800 more are in the pipeline from 11 different nations including India to write their own success stories.

The company has converted about 9,300 crises-ridden teens and youths as ready manpower who are greatly contributing now to various companies across India in different business tiers.
Walnut Discoveries Pvt. Ltd Is Working Day & Night to Make Indian Youth Enriched!
This limited liability company is developing special modules to train the manpower in different streams including creativity, natural sciences, medical sciences, agriculture, IT, engineering and technology so that they can be absorbed in a wide spectrum of corporate houses.
After its success in India, the company has already sprawled across the globe to tap energy and qualities of mankind to make them productive for their respective nations.

Dr. Chandwani believes labour or manpower is the most important factor of production. If the leadership and entrepreneurial qualities are honed and skills developed, they can be invaluable assets for any corporate entity. Such persons can also participate in Make-in-India programme by becoming entrepreneurs adding to the GDP of the nation.
Referring to the very high rate of dropouts in India that hinders the nation from repeating demographic dividend, Dr. Chandwani said the Walnut Discoveries Private Limited is transforming such “dropped out manpower” into a major factor of production which would catalyse the Make-in-India programme and also facilitate the Ease of Doing Business in India.
As the first thing that the foreign companies would require in India on coming to this nation as part of the the Make-in-India programme, the first thing that they would require would be manpower. With the growth of India Inc, what the corporate India needs would be the manpower as no production can ever take place without it.
The Trend Setter: Dr. Nikhil Chandwani
To add newer heights to the publishing industry, Dr. Chandwani has started running a Writers Rescue Centre, Nikhil Chandwani Foundation. His company is currently mentoring the writers who lost all hopes in their creative pursuit and getting their works published.
The Walnut Discoveries Private Limited not only mentored them, instilled courage and propelled them to write further, but also helped them to publish their books.
The company helped such globally known writers of best sellers like Siddhartha Roy, Ritesh Verma, Md. Zabi Khan, Siddharth Zuko Sabari and Dr. Shakila.

Dr. Chandwani said the term manpower must be meant active hands of a nation as a whole. Naturally, those adolescents, teens and youths now facing a large number of psychological problems including schizophrenia, morbidity, low self-esteem and suicidal tendencies must also be considered as the most active and mobile factor of production.