World Penguin Day: Lets Read Some Quotes Written By Me On The Stunning Birds #Penguin

I think the World Penguin Day, is perfect and very ideal day, when we should think about this amazing and beautiful, creature or a general bird, Penguin, because indeed, the Penguin, is just stunning and attractive, you can say, the Penguin, are the types of the birds, who are mainly live and resides, in the cold and the chill weather or in the areas, which are cover with the snow or the ice, I think, but, sadly, the Penguin, is an Endangered bird, which should be taken, lightly, and the World Penguin Day, is all about that when we focus on this special kind of the Endangered Aquatic Birds, “Penguin”.

The World Penguin Day is a global, annual, event, which is being commemorated and observed on the 25th April, each and every year, which is actually, celebrates, in order to recognize the aquatic birds, “Penguin” and its importance.

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In the meantime, let me, share an amazing and an interesting fact, with you, that, the 25th April, is the World Penguin Day, and you will be surprised to know that, the same date, is the time, when, the awesome birds, the Penguins, starts their annual northward migration toward their destinations, is not it is a cute factor pleasant co-incident phenomenon.

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The Penguins are the types of the creatures, who can be seen and they are settled in the snow white places, I mean, in the cold environmental places, predominately, which is includes, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Antarctica, South Africa, the Falkland Islands, and the Galapagos Islands and so on.

World Penguin Day: Lets Read Some Quotes Written By Me On The Stunning Birds #Penguin

1). I think, Penguins, are one of the most beautiful bird, or you can say, species, we are blessed to have, I mean the globe is blessed to have, so I think, we should give value to this beautiful creature Penguin ~ Happy World Penguin Day

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2). Wish you all a very happy World Penguin Day, I wish I was a Penguin ?

World Penguin Day
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3). If you are having a good and a noble heart, then I’m damn sure, you also love penguin, like the way, I love ? ~ Happy #World Penguin Day

World Penguin Day

4). Today, it is #World Penguin Day, so it is the right day when we must think and we should think the future of the Penguin

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5). #World Penguin Day is one of the best days, we can have as a responsible, citizen of this globe ?

World Penguin Day
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