How Much TDS Level In Drinking Water Is Safe To Consume? | Is Filtered Water Safe?

How Much TDS Level In Drinking Water Is Safe To Consume? | Is Filtered Water Safe?

The best TDS level for drinking water should contain water molecule in its purest form containing 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen like the rain drops. Lesser the TDS better is the water for human consumption. In fact, water in its natural state is regarded as a ‘Universal Solvent’ as has ability to dissolve and absorb molecules from various other substances.

Naturally, the Best TDS Level for Drinking Water has been prescribed. It should be free from containing inorganic salts, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, bicarbonates and sulfates besides the heavy metals. The best TDS level for drinking water also should contains no fat, no calories, and no cholesterol thus free from all hazardous contaminants or toxins including radiological hazards and other pollutants.

The TDS is represented in units of mg per unit volume of the water (mg/l) that is also referred to as parts per million (ppm). The water treatment plants flush the Particulate Matters or PM out to make potable waters safe. The Best TDS Level for Drinking Water is the on having no presence of minerals and PMs in it. This removal of PMs and minerals is done through scientific filtration processes to make water fit for human consumption.

An Ideal TDS Level for the best water purifier in India

The PMs and other contaminants larger than 2 microns and present in potable waters is known as the TDS. The best water purifier in India can easily remove such PMs and contaminants that are 0.45 microns in size.

The World Health Organization says the TDS level less than 300 mg/litre is excellent, between 300 and 600 mg/liter good, 600-900 is fair, 900 – 1200 is poor and TDS level more than 1200 mg/liter is unacceptable.

In the case of India, the TDS level above 500mg/liter is not fit for human consumption. The BIS Standards says the maximum desirable TDS is 300 mg/l and maximum permissible is 600 mg/l.

Can Higher TDS Level Leads to Diseases?

Since the higher level of substances like soluble calcium, sulfate, magnesium, chloride, and fluoride in drinking water causes coronary heart disease, cancer, cardiovascular heart disease, and arteriosclerotic heart disease thus reducing life span, the Best TDS Level for Drinking Water must always be free from them.

From the angle of water tastes, it would be poor if the TDS is between 900 to 1,200 mg/L are present in water thus making it unfit for consumption. High TDS    levels point out the Hard water which should not consumed from drinking purposes.

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